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modconf giugno 17, 2007

Posted by linuxiano in hardware, kernel, Linux, terminale, Utility.
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modconf is the Debian text-based GUI utility used to manually choose which kernel modules (ex., hardware drivers) get automatically loaded at startup. You would use modconf rather than hand-editing config files or using the modprobe command.

That said, most distro’s use some sort of automatic hardware detection. Redhat-based distros typcially use kudzu while Debian-based systems usually use discover. On these systems, you almost never have to manually load modules. These days, I think you’d only use modconf in a pinch, say, if discover wasn’t able to detect some specific out-of-the-ordinary device.

Usare i moduli strettamente necessari (e disabilitari quelli inutili) è un punto a favore riguardo la prestazione della nostra macchina.

Con questa applicazione è possibile gestire i moduli semplicemente navigando tra i vari menù.

Pidgin 2.0.2 giugno 17, 2007

Posted by linuxiano in connessione, gnome, Linux, multimedia, Note su Linux, Ubuntu.

E’ uscita la nuova release di pidgin:

We’ve released version 2.0.2 of Pidgin (formerly Gaim). This is a bugfix release addressing about 100 bugs reported in 2.0.1, and also adding support for Bonjour on Windows. Keep those bugs coming in, and we’ll continue making regular, frequent releases.

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