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Debian 6.0 “Squeeze” ed obiettivi agosto 3, 2009

Posted by linuxiano in Debian, Linux.

La prossima release stabile si chiamerà Debian “Squeeze” ed avrà come obiettivo il raggiungimento delle seguenti cose:

* Multi-arch support, which will for instance improve the installation of 32 bit packages on 64 bit machines
* kFreeBSD support, introducing the first non-linux architecture into Debian
* Improved boot performance using dash as the new default shell, and a dependency-based boot system that will both clean up the boot process and help performance through parallel processing
* A further enhanced Quality Assurance process resulting in higher quality packages. This includes:
o Clean installation, upgrade and removal of all packages
o Automatic rejection of packages failing basic quality checks
o Double compilation support
* Preparation for new package formats to help streamline future development and to introduce improved compression algorithms
* Removal of obsolete libraries for improved security
* Full ipv6 support
* Large File Support
* Automatic creation of debug packages for the entire archive, a Google Summer of Code Project pending integration into the infrastructure
* Move of packages’ long descriptions into a separate “translated package list”, which will facilitate their translation and also provide a smaller footprint for embedded systems thanks to smaller Packages files.
* Better integration of debtags, a system to tag packages with multiple attributes for easier package selection
* Discard and rebuild of binary packages uploaded by maintainers, leaving only packages build in a controlled environment


1. lastfeel - giugno 24, 2010

non vedo l’ora

2. Paolo - ottobre 25, 2010

è più di un anno che aspetto la versione 6… speriamo porti tutte quelle novità che ci aspettiamo…

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