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HIPO – Ipod Management tool Maggio 20, 2007

Posted by linuxiano in gnome, multimedia, Ubuntu, Utility.

Hipo is an application that allows you to manage the data of your iPod, Hipo is written in C# using Mono, GTK#, the cute ipod-sharp library and for tag editing it uses taglib-sharp.

Hipo is NOT a music playback software, for that you can use Banshee, Rhythmbox or Muine.

Hipo is released under the GNU General Public License (GPL).

-Track addition and remotion
-Playlist addition and remotion
-Tags edition
-Cover support

Fixed sorting method and remove unnecessary code.
Use new intltool syntax.
Remove ‘Application’ category because is not valid in the freedesktop specification.
Make sure at least one track is selected when showing the popup menu. Fixed #412792 (Benoit Garret)
Set the checkout of the taglib-sharp as a svn external property.
Add device properties to the menu.
Add support for m4a files. Fixed #409097
Add metadata edit in the tracks view. Closes #408808 (Benoit Garret)
Add shadows around the playlist view and the tracks view. Closes #408806 (Benoit Garret)
Update list of tracks when a change is made in the properties window. Fixed #407720 (Benoit Garret)
Add recursive import Closes #402515. (Felipe Barros)
Fixed percentage calculation Closes #402536, Fixed #402940. (Felipe Barros)

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